Our mission is to raise and equip people to become the 
Church that Jesus has called us to by empowering 
the work of the Holy Spirit in all generations.


-God is one God, manifested in three Persons - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
-The Bible is the inspired, eternal, and infallible Word of God.
- The new birth is necessary for all. Salvation is by grace through faith.
-The Baptism of the Spirit is a subsequent experience to salvation 
for all believers and makes available all nine gifts of the Spirit.
-The five-fold ministry gifts of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and 
teacher are for the equipping of the saints in the Body of Christ today.
-The Redeemed will enjoy eternal life in heaven with Jesus their Savior while 
the Lost will spend eternity in the lake of fire separated from God's presence. 
-Christ's return for His Bride is imminent, and after tribulation, 
He will rule on earth during the Millenium.
-The Great Commission is to be fulfilled by the Church going 
and preaching, and making disciples of all nations.
- Sanctification is a definite, yet progressive, work of the Spirit commencing 
at rebirth and continuing until the consummation of salvation.
- Water baptism is by immersion and is for believers only as an identification 
with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection unto new life.
-Divine healing is provided for by the work of Christ, is wrought by the 
power of God and is for the physical, spiritual, and emotional wholeness of each person.
-The Lord's Supper (Communion) is to be partaken of regularly, served in a 
spirit of love toward His Body, and shows the Lord's death until He returns.

General Information


Sundays - 10am
(Ignite Kids service runs during this service)
(SoulFire Youth services run every  Sunday)

Midweek Conversations  - 7pm (Online only)

Monday:            8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday:            8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday:   8:00am - 3:00pm
Thursday:         8:00am - Noon
Friday:                OFFICE CLOSED
Saturday:         OFFICE CLOSED

1037 South Brownell Rd, Williston VT, 05495  
(802) 862-2108

Ignite Church Staff

Bishop R. Todd & Xiomara Callahan

Senior Pastors

Pastor Sean Troland

Associate Pastor

Destiny Corrigan

Soulfire Youth & Ignite Kids Director - FL Campus 

Melissa Bissonette

Ignite Kids Director - VT Campus 

Kim Fontaine


Shawn Berry 

Backdraft Mens Ministry Leader - VT Campus

Emma Thompson 

Broadcast Technician - VT

Olu Sowunmi

Soulfire Youth Leader - VT Campus 

MJ Merchant

Radiance Women's Ministry Leader - VT Campus

Rohan St. Marthe

Broadcast Technician - VT

Shawn Tkach

Worship & Media Director - VT Campus

Judy Senesac

Head of Hospitality Team - VT Campus

Kris Merchant

Broadcast Technician - VT

Sofia Troland 

Soulfire Youth Leader - VT Campus

Carson Corrigan

Head of Security - FL Campus 

Todd King

Head of Security - VT Campus